08 November 2012

Crazy Lady Follow Up

I just wanted to let you guys know what my doctor said about the weight fluctuations that I posted about yesterday.
We went over my diet and I had my blood pressure taken. She noticed some swelling in my ankles and calf area. My blood pressure for me was high but not out of normal range. She looked over my chart and said it has gone up a little every visit.
Conclusion? I am on a low sodium diet now. She wanted me to see a nutritionist but I declined. I explained that being a WLS patient I feel pretty well informed on what a good diet is and that I just haven't been fully applying my knowledge. She agreed.
I have gone from having issues with low blood pressure and low sodium levels pre-prego to having borderline blood pressure issues and being put on a low sodium diet. She did say that it probably has nothing to do with my weight and that some people are just more prone to stuff like this.
I guess sometimes it doesn't matter how much weight you loose before getting pregnant some thing are just going to happen.
I also think FritoBandito over at BJ and the Bandit may be right in her comment yesterday, I should stop driving myself crazy and just hide the scale for a while.

Also today we are going to the Marine Corps Ball. I know hubby is Navy, we are on a Marine corps base though. Pre-prego I was 30lbs down from when we went to the Navy ball last year. For poops and giggles I tried on my dress from last year about 2 weeks ago and it was big so I was just going to have some straps put on to help hold it up. I tried it on again Sunday before bringing it to the tailor and I don't need straps for it anymore. My baby bump is holding things in place nicely. Hopefully in the last 2 days no major developments have happened to were I can't get the zipper up tonight....fingers crossed :)

I will post some pictures from the ball soon!

1 comment:

  1. I can't wait to see pics from the ball, you're going to be beautiful!
