30 March 2011

A Little Late to The Game

But here is my after work out "glow"

I think I look more like a lobster bake then glowy. But hey it feels good!
Sorry about the bra straps, Totally forgot about that. Like my shower set up in the background?

Also I have discovered what I think is the best invention since toilet paper. Its called Buddy Fruit and it comes in a pouch!

This has been my pre-breakfast the last week or so to hold me over till my protein shake. The kind you are looking at is apple banana. It has a consistency of a smooth apple sauce. There is no sugar added in any of the flavors and its a full serving of fruit. Plus its resealable! Maybe it's the pouch but I love these things. You can get them at walmart and for the military peeps out there I grabbed mine from the commissary for 89 cents a piece. A little on the high side but for me worth it.

The scale has systematically moved back up with my last 2 days of workouts. I just don't get it and I'm not going to try to understand it. I am just going to know that I feel great when I workout and like crap when I don't. (still in the 200's though!!!)

I hope you all have a wonderfully fabulous day!


  1. Yay! I'm gonna have to pick some of that stuff up at the store after my fill later. :D

    Loving the glow!

  2. That stuff looks great! I am going to check it out. Your glow looks pretty good too!

  3. Never heard of that stuff but I will look for it!

  4. Ineresting stuff! Work out pic is great!
