27 July 2011

Wednesday Weigh-In

Last Week: 288.3
Today: 287.3

Loss of 1.0lbs this week
Total Loss of: 62.7lbs

I saw 286 over the weekend so I recorded it on my ticker. It's hard to be happy with a pound even though I know it's a step in the right direction. I think I am not seeing the loss as much because I am starting to build a little bit of muscle, which is very good! I have moved the scale out of eye site of my normal morning routine so I will have to go out of my way on Wednesdays to weigh myself. This way I am not stepping on it every day!

On another note: Today is a holy day, a beautiful day and a painful day for one small kitty. The kitty known as Mr. Monster is having his dangley parts cut off!! I know it's about a 50/50 chance that his annoyance is behavior now but I am willing to take that risk in the chance a better life might be had by all. Ok, ok I do feel a little bad about it, but it has to be done.

It's Wednesday people! The week is half over and closer to a restful weekend!
So Happy Hump Day!


  1. I hope this takes care of Mr. Monster's issues. Having his dangly bits cut off is the responsible thing to do anyway.

    A pound lost is a pound lost. Never be disappointed with downward direction.

  2. Happy hump day, and congrats on the one pound! They add up! :)

  3. Take the one pound and smile to yourself. I know this is easier said than done but a lose is a lose.
    Poor Mr Monster...... But it is the best thing to do for all pets.
